Each ml contains Amitraz 125mg.
For control of ticks, mange mites, lice and keds on cattle, pigs, sheep and goats.
Dosage and Administration
By spray or dip for cattle, sheep and goats, or as a spray for pigs.
Prepare the dip or spray on the day of treatment using clean water. Stir well.
Initial fill: 1 liter of the product in 500 liters of water. Recharge: When the dip volume has fallen by 20% of the initial fill, recharge with 1.5 liters of the product in 500 liters of water.
Hand Spraying
Use 20ml of the product in 10 liters of water. Spray the whole body of the animal until it is thoroughly wet.
Spray Race
Initial fill: 1 liter of the product in 500 liters of water. Where run-off is re-circulated, reinforce by adding 150-200ml of the product to the sump for every 100 cattle treated, but do NOT add more water. Continue treating until no more spray can be pumped out. If spraying is to continue, recharge at the initial concentration.
Sheep and Goats:
Dipping is the recommended method for the treatment of sheep.
Initial fill: 1 liter of the product in 250 liters of water. Recharge: When the dip volume has fallen by 20% of the initial fill, recharge with 1.5 liters of the product in 250 liters of water.
Retain the animal in the dip for approximately 30 seconds, immersing the head at least once.
Do not dip tired or thirsty animals. Discard dip after use. Treat all animals in a flock whether visibly affected or not.
Use 40 ml of the product in 10 liters of water. Spray the whole body of the animal until it is thoroughly wet.
Mix at a rate of 40ml of the product with every 10 liters of water to prepare the spray. Remove feed from pen and cover drinking bowls. Remove bedding and clean out pens. Treat all in a group at the same time, whether visibly affected or not. Use sufficient spray to soak animals thoroughly, paying particular attention to ears, groin and between the forelegs. Scabs need not be removed prior to treatment. During treatment spray walls, floors and fittings in the pen.
Recommended Control Programme
Initially treat the whole herd and all the buildings with the product. Repeat after 7~10 days.
Make routine prophylactic treatment as follows:
Working Boars: Treat routinely every 2~3 months
Sows and Gilts: Treat as they enter farrowing quarters
Young Pigs: Treat after weaning or before moving to fattening houses
New additions to herd: Isolate and treat before mixing with other pigs
Buildings: To disinfect empty buildings, a single application of 80ml of the product with 10 liters water can be used.
Withdrawal Period
Cattle and goats: 24 hours; Pigs and sheep: 7 days; Milk: 7 hours.
Contraindications and Warnings
Do not treat animals suffering from heat stress.
Do not use simultaneously with other insecticide preparations.
Not recommended for use on horses
Wear protective clothing when handling.
When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Avoid all contact with mouth, skin and eyes.
Wash thoroughly after use.
Do NOT use Atropine. Do NOT induce vomiting.
Protection of Environment
Harmful to fish. Do not allow the product containers, concentrate or wash to enter watercourses, ponds or ditches.
Store in a cool and dry place below 30℃, protect from light.
3 years.