Active Ingredient:
Deltamethrin………50 grams per liter
Deltamethrin EC is used as an animal ectoparasiticide and controls numerous insect pests of field crops as cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, and other insect pests. Deltamethrin is used topically (dip, spray or pour-on) for the control of ectoparasites in cattle and sheep.
Mixing Instructions:
•For using as spray: at a very low dose (2000~3000 times) for control of mosquitoes, cockroach, bedbugs, housefly, spider and all other crawling and flying insects in environment and animals.
• For using as pour-on: cattle, sheep & goats, horses: 0.75-2 mg/kg, depends on indications.
• Maintain agitation during spraying.
• Use the prepared mixture immediately.
• Do not allow to stand overnight
• Do not inhale spray mist.
• All persons in direct contact with the insecticide, including markers, to wear full protective
clothing, overalls, rubber boots and gloves, face shield and suitable face mask.
• Wash contaminated clothing after day’s work.
• Wash with soap and cold water immediately after accidental skin contact.
• Do not eat, drink or smoke while mixing or applying the product or before washing hands and
face and changing clothing.
• Prevent contamination of feedstuffs, food, eating utensils and drinking water.
• TRIPLE RINSE empty containers in the following manner. Invert the empty container over
the spray or mixing tank and allow to drain for at least 30 seconds after the flow has slowed
down to a drip. Thereafter rinse the container three times with a volume of water equal to a
minimum of 10% of that of the container. Add these rinsings to the contents of the spray tank
before destroying the container in the prescribed manner. Destroy empty container and do
not reuse for any other purpose. Destroy empty container by perforation, flattening and
• Prevent drift onto other edible crops, grazing, rivers, dams and areas not under treatment.
• Clean applicator/aircraft thoroughly before re-using with other material.
• Dispose of wash water where it will not contaminate crazing, food or water.
• Keep animals and children away from stacked and spilt material.
• No worker should be engaged in handling, mixing or marking operations while suffering from
any major complaint or from certain minor complaints such as bronchitis or stomach trouble.
Symptoms of human poisoning:
May cause burning, itching or tingling sensations of the skin and readily disappear within 24
hours after exposure. Inhalation causes nasal discharge, scratchy throat, as well as ataxia,
convulsions and tremors. Systemic symptoms include dizziness, headache, nausea,
listlessness and vomiting.
First aid treatment:
Remove patient from source of poisoning and keep him quiet and reassured.
Eyes: Flush eyes with clean water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation occurs and persists,
obtain medical attention.
Skin: Remove contaminated clothing and rinse contaminated body area thoroughly with plenty
of soap and cold water. Do not rub skin. Apply olive oil to affected areas for prompt relief. Get
medical attention if irritation occurs and persists.
Inhalation: Move to fresh air. If breathing difficulty or irritation occurs and persists, obtain
medical attention.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. Have the month of patient rinsed with water. Do not give
anything by month. Get a medical doctor.
Pesticide Storage
Keep this product in its tightly closed original container.
Store in a cool, dry (preferably locked) area that is inaccessible to children and animals.
DO NOT store near food or feed.
Pesticide Disposal
Wastes resulting from using this product may be disposed of on-site or at an approved waste disposal
facility. If these wastes cannot be disposed of according to label instructions, contact you’re your Environmental Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representatives at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance.