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Omphalitis, also known as yolk_sac_infection, is the main infectious cause of death in newly hatched chicks, during their first week of life. It is most commonly caused by infection with Escherichia coli bacteria (approximately 70% of cases), however other bacterial  infections like salmonella can also be the causes of early chick mortality.

Chicks can become infected during incubation, while hatching, or when in the brooder.

If clean eggs are incubated and hatched together with contaminated eggs, if eggs from one source are put together with eggs from a different source….all these can lead to a disease outbreak.

If the brooder is not well cleaned and disinfected, If the temperature is not sufficient to help in closure of the navel

 Signs of yolk sac infection


Closed eyes. Some eyes may have mucus.

Loss of appetite.


Vent pasting.

Swollen abdomen.

Navel oozing out water.

Some chicks may fail to walk and just lie down.

Treatment and prevention

An open wound on the navel leads to entry of bacteria, and in most cases escherichia coli  leading to colibacilosis infection.

It’s of great importance to notice this at either arrival of  hicks or after 6 to 12 hours and start kn treatment with a combination of keprocyl and sangrovit or enrosal with sangrovit for a 3 days period. Do not withdraw glucose when birds have not made a day in the brooder.

The disease is prevented by careful control of temperature, humidity, and sanitation in the incubator. Only clean, uncracked eggs should be set in the incubator.  If it is necessary to set dirty eggs, they should be segregated from clean eggs. Sanitizing detergents must be used according to directions if eggs are washed. Time, temperature, and frequent changes of water are as critical as the concentration of sanitizer in both wash and rinse water. The rinse should be warmer than the wash water (which should be warmer than the internal temperature of the egg) but should not be >60°C.

Farmers are supposed to carry out proper cleaning and disinfection of their poultry brooders before receiving chicks.

We must start the brooder with clean and treated water, free from bacteria.

All the equipment used in the brooder should be disinfected before putting th in the brooder.

Non contaminated feed should be used for the first 7 days of a  chick’s life….and in this case I prefer kafiika’s GALDUS STARTER PELLET which gives better growth and better life to chicks.

Control brooder temperatures using behavioral changes that chicks show you or using  thermometers in the brooder.


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Post time: Sep-03-2021
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