Progressive limit feeding can impact profitability
To help keep cattle healthy as they enter a feedlot, producers often feed less, or “limit-feed,” for a short time to allow the animal to adjust to the feedlot diet. The new research looks at the concept of progressively reducing feed intake throughout the diet-transition period, with the goal of ...Read more -
Next-gen sequencing diagnoses 1st US case of boosepivirus
Dr. Leyi Wang, an internationally recognized veterinary virologist, found several common culprits for the gastrointestinal illness: Escherichia coli, cryptosporidium, and Clostridium perfringens. He also looked for, and found, bovine kobuvirus, which is not presently on the list of “usual suspect...Read more -
New udder inflammation indicators provide insight in how cows recover from the disease
Mastitis or udder inflammation is a common production disease in dairy herds, causing compromised animal welfare and entails economic losses for the farmer. Now, a new article on different udder inflammation indicators provide insight into the differences in dynamics of udder inflammation indicat...Read more -
New study shows that metabolic testing could improve fertility in beef herds
Metabolic profile (MP) testing is commonly used in dairy herds to investigate the nutritional status of pre-calving and early lactation cows, but its uptake among beef producers has been slow. In the study, researchers found the MP testing can highlight nutritional issues in beef cattle that coul...Read more -
Moving milk in East Africa
Last week marked my first time in Kenya. I experienced the work that Heifer International is leading with the East Africa Dairy Development Project (EADD) in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. In this project, approximately 315,000 dairy farmers—with two or three cows each—are learning new ways to impro...Read more -
Milking opportunity in the foothills of Mount Kenya
When Simon and Sylvia Kiruja started their farm three years ago, they never imagined it would get so big they would need a bigger plot. Their 3 cows used to bring them 7 litres of milk a day. Today, their 45 cows deliver more than 250 litres daily, contributing around US$1,700 monthly depending o...Read more -
Managing heat stress in cattle
On a hot summer day, people often dress in light clothing, drink more water than normal and seek shade to minimize the impacts on the body from heat and humidity. Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute experts said cattle need many of those same strategies for maximum performance over the ...Read more -
Livestock farming a critical solution for sustainable food systems
In recent years, livestock production and consumption have been unfairly singled out as major contributors to climate change. But livestock farming is actually a critical component of sustainable food systems. The World Farmers’ Organisation hosted a diverse panel discussion on livestock farming&...Read more -
Larvae could replace soy in livestock diet
According to Wageningen Livestock Research, larvae of the black soldier fly grow well on unused waste streams such as catering waste or pig manure, which are currently not yet permitted to be fed to insect larvae. Doing so allows for the use of nutrients that until now ended up in the incinerator...Read more -
Intestinal Parasites & Deworming
Worm infestations are a common cause of diarrhea and can cause impactions (blockage of the intestine) and colic. New research, and a fresh look at old research, is showing that intestinal parasitism continues to be a problem for horses. We are finding that our continual use of dewormers has helpe...Read more -
Horn fly resistance observed in organic Holstein cattle
Some Holstein dairy cattle, especially those with white coat coloration, are able to naturally fend off the horn fly, a parasitic insect known to cause stress and disease in grazing cattle. New research at Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences investigates. The findings, said lead r...Read more -
Genetic contact tracing could help curb TB outbreaks
Routine analysis of bacteria in cattle and badgers could help manage early spread of costly disease, research shows. The novel use of genetic contact tracing to identify the source of a bovine tuberculosis outbreak could signal a new approach in managing the disease, a study suggests. In response...Read more -
From meadow to plate could cultured meat made from grass replace animals
Researchers at the University of Bath have successfully taken grass from the university’s campus and used it to create a scaffold that animal cells can attach to and grow on. The resulting tissue has the potential to be used both as lab-made meat and as human muscle tissue to repair or replace ti...Read more -
Fog Fever
Also known as Acute Bovine Pulmonary Edema and Emphysema (ABPEE). Fog fever is an acute pneumonia of adult cattle which occurs within four to 10 days of moving from an over grazed pasture or dry feed, to a fresh, lush green pasture. The condition develops rapidly. It typically occurs in Autumn, f...Read more -
Ethiopians encouraged to replace beef with chicken
To limit increasing methane emissions, Ethiopia’s government is promoting smaller livestock aimed at encouraging the consumption of chicken instead of beef. The government has further prioritised the agriculture sector to boost rural employment opportunities, increase exports and assist it...Read more -
Domestic cats drive spread of Toxoplasma parasite to wildlife
New UBC research suggests free-roaming cats are likely to blame in the spread of the potentially deadly Toxoplasma gondii parasite to wildlife in densely populated urban areas. The study — the first to analyze so many wildlife species over a global scale — also highlights how healthy ...Read more -
Dog parasite is developing resistance to treatments
Hookworms are one of the most common parasites plaguing the companion animal world. They use their hooklike mouths to latch onto an animal’s intestines, where they feast on tissue fluids and blood. Infected animals can experience dramatic weight loss, bloody stool, anemia and lethargy, amon...Read more -
Dairy beef trial to reveal eating quality potential
A research project is underway led by Charles Sturt University, in conjunction with Meat Standards Australia (MSA), Teys Australia, Dairy Australia, Northern Co-operative Meat Company and Manildra Meat Company, to study the impacts of genetics, nutrition and management on the performance and eati...Read more -
Chute-side vaccine cooler a useful tool for cattle producers
A few simple steps can help cattle producers become more effective in battling respiratory disease in their herd, get full value of any vaccine they purchase and possibly increase their operational profit in the process. Studies show respiratory disease in cattle – also known as BRD, shipping fev...Read more -
Cat bacteria treats mouse skin infection, may help you and your pets as well
Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine used bacteria found on healthy cats to successfully treat a skin infection on mice. These bacteria may serve as the basis for new therapeutics against severe skin infections in humans, dogs and cats. The study, published in eLif...Read more -
Calf Pneumonia
Calf Pneumonia Cause Calf pneumonia is a major problem in dairy and beef herds. It is a multifactorial disease, and the most common post-mortem diagnosis in calves between one to five months of age. Infectious agents involved include Mannheimia haemolytica, Haemophilus somnus, Infectious Bovine ...Read more -
Calf Diphtheria (Necrobacillosis)
What is calf diphtheria? There are two forms of calf diphtheria. The most common is an acute oral (mouth) infection, usually seen in calves less than 3 months old. The second form is usually seen in older calves and affects the larynx (or voice-box), Both forms are caused by the bacteria Fusobact...Read more -
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea(BVD) BVD is a common cause of respiratory and reproductive issues in the herd. It is a economically important disease in many countries, and problems realted to the disease are thought to be increasing in some areas. Although a disease in itself, BVD causes a number of tra...Read more -
Boosting the rumen for better digestion
For the agricultural industry, ignoring the terms “emissions”, “carbon” or “greenhouse gases” is no longer an option as there is an increasing focus on reducing them. For many producers and nutritionists it is a challenge to know how to maintain performance and profitability while reducing overa...Read more