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  • Research Study takes step toward low-emissions future with cow gut tech analysis

    Research Study takes step toward low-emissions future with cow gut tech analysis

    Engineering PhD candidate Md Hazrat Ali recently contributed to Australia’s first Low Emissions Technology Statement, released by Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor in September 2020. As part of the Australian Government’s Technology Investment Roadmap Taskforce, Mr Hazrat a...
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  • Herd sire selection requires preparation

    Herd sire selection requires preparation

    Cattle producers may be feeling they’re back in school again, given the amount of homework required to determine what they need in a new herd sire. “Purchasing a new bull is one of the most important choices a cattle breeder makes in terms of operational profitability,” said Paul Beck, Oklahoma S...
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  • Know the signs of foot rot in livestock

    Know the signs of foot rot in livestock

    Excessive rain is a signal for cattle producers to keep an eye out for lameness in their animals, the first sign of foot rot. Foot rot is a painful condition that can become chronic if treatment is not provided, allowing for other aspects of the animal’s health to be affected as well, said Dr. Ba...
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  • Herd health programs support healthy cattle markets

    Herd health programs support healthy cattle markets

    Cow-calf producers have embraced management strategies that make their livestock a better value to the rest of the U.S. beef cattle industry, but Bovine Respiratory Disease continues to be an area where improvement is needed. “Better BRD control is going to require an industry-wide effort that fo...
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  • Have colostrum supplies on hand at start of calving season

    Have colostrum supplies on hand at start of calving season

    Cow-calf operators who have not already stored several doses of colostrum or colostrum replacer should do so before the start of spring-calving season, said Barry Whitworth, Oklahoma State University Extension veterinarian and food animal quality and health specialist. “Calves born after a diffic...
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  • Biosecurity Considerations when Transitioning Newly Purchased Cattle into the Herd

    Biosecurity Considerations when Transitioning Newly Purchased Cattle into the Herd

    The objective is to avoid new diseases introduced through replacement stock and airborne diseases. Typically, new animals are quarantined for at least 30 days and more typically for 60 days before being introduced into the herd. If on-site, the isolation area should be of some distance and downwi...
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  • Annual Cow Costs – The Big Three

    Annual Cow Costs – The Big Three

    When looking at annual cow costs and doing an economic analysis, three categories tend to make up the largest percentage of total costs: feed, labor/equipment and cow depreciation. Other expenses occur, such as breeding expense and veterinary costs, but they tend to be significantly less than the...
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  • A backwards calf will need assistance at birth

    A backwards calf will need assistance at birth

    Cow-calf producers should review how to help their livestock through a difficult calving beforehand, said Oklahoma State University experts. Most calves are born headfirst with their front feet extended, but a few are positioned backward and might not survive without help. “A cow that is in early...
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  • Useful Tips for Combating Livestock Parasites

    Useful Tips for Combating Livestock Parasites

    The livestock industry as a critical sub-sector of agriculture contributes to the livelihoods of human population in various ways such as income generation, food production and provision of employment. High local demands for livestock products such as meat mean that these animals have to be healt...
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  • Rabbit Meat Healthy and Flavoursome

    Rabbit Meat Healthy and Flavoursome

    Meat – animal flesh/ tissue – has been a part of human diet for thousands of years and it is an excellent source of essential amino-acids, proteins, B vitamins, minerals, among others. As one such diet, Rabbit meat is an all-white meat product, rich in protein and low in fat, sodium, and choleste...
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  • Piglet Anaemia Causes and Prevention

    Piglet Anaemia Causes and Prevention

    Piglet Anaemia also known as Iron Deficient Anaemia is a hypochromic-microcytic anaemia generally associated with young, rapidly growing piglets deprived of iron in their diet or from their environment. Piglet Anaemia also known as Iron Deficient Anaemia is a hypochromic-microcytic anaemia genera...
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  • Nursing a Newborn Calf – A Step by Step Guide

    Nursing a Newborn Calf – A Step by Step Guide

    The care given to a calf within its first 24 hours of life is essential as well as mandatory, as it determines the status of the animal for the rest of its life. A calf not adequately cared for in the first 24 hours of birth is susceptible to diseases or might remain weak and become an under-perf...
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    Poultry farming has become so lucrative that many young people have ditched their city jobs — once a key marker of social mobility — to raise and sell chickens full-time For the past few weeks, Essein Harmony Paul, a 48-year-old farmer from Ibadan, Nigeria, has been messaging me to ask if I want ...
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  • Nigeria Govt Begins Pilot Implementation of Livestock Transformation Plan in Nasarawa

    Nigeria Govt Begins Pilot Implementation of Livestock Transformation Plan in Nasarawa

    Following a €400,000 funding support from the Netherlands, the federal government has commenced talks with the Nasarawa State government for the kick-off of the pilot implementation of the National Livestock Transformation Plan (NLTP). The plan, which includes the establishment of grazing reserve...
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  • Grooming Ethiopia’s Livestock Industry for Export

    Grooming Ethiopia’s Livestock Industry for Export

    The conditions for a vibrant and competitive livestock industry abound in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has the largest livestock population in Africa, a young rural workforce, and close ties to one of the world’s largest meat markets, the Middle East. The Government of Ethiopia is aware of the livest...
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  • Gestation in Ewes – Nutrition and Health Management

    Gestation in Ewes – Nutrition and Health Management

    Ewes are female sheep which are usually kept for the purpose of breeding or reproduction. While gestating, ewes undergo a number of physiological changes upon conception and the state of their health and nutrition largely determine their successful lambing. Good nutrition is essential for a healt...
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  • Exploring the Art of Poultry Processing

    Exploring the Art of Poultry Processing

    Poultry production has become a big business throughout the world. It is a highly competitive industry and feed suppliers, producers, processors, manufacturers of equipment have all appreciated the economies of scale. By so doing, they have gone on to develop bigger and more automated systems of ...
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  • Novel Vaccine Technologies in Veterinary Medicine: A Herald to Human Medicine Vaccines

    Novel Vaccine Technologies in Veterinary Medicine: A Herald to Human Medicine Vaccines

    Citation: The success of inactivated and live-attenuated vaccines has enhanced livestock productivity, promoted food security, and attenuated the morbidity and mortality of several human, animal, and zoonotic diseases. However, these traditional vaccine technologies are not without fault. The eff...
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  • Decline in Egg Production – The Causative Factors

    Decline in Egg Production – The Causative Factors

    As productive as poultry farming is, there are cases where production rates drop drastically, owing to certain factors. In the production of eggs, this situation is often referred to as ‘Egg Drop’ – a steep decline in the production of egg or the failure to achieve the usual peak in egg productio...
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  • CBPP in Cattle Symptoms and Prevention

    CBPP in Cattle Symptoms and Prevention

    Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a disease caused by Mycoplasma mycoides. It attacks the lungs and membranes that line the thoracic cavity (the pleura) causing fever, labored or rapid respiration, cough, and nasal discharges. Cattle, both Bos taurus and Bos indicus, are the main hosts ...
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  • All you need to know about rearing Rabbits!

    All you need to know about rearing Rabbits!

    Domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a descendant of the wild rabbit belonging to the family leporidae. Rabbits are herbivores animal with high feed conversion ratio. Under effective production system, rabbits can convert about 20 percent of feed (protein) consumed into edible meat. In orde...
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  • African Swine Fever All You Need to Know About the Dreaded Virus

    African Swine Fever All You Need to Know About the Dreaded Virus

    African Swine Fever (ASF) is a highly contagious haemorrhagic viral disease of domestic pigs, caused by a large DNA virus of the Asfarviridae family The disease which affects pigs of any age can result in a high mortality rate and is responsible for the recent production and economic losses in so...
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  • 8 Breeds of Dairy Goats You Should Know

    8 Breeds of Dairy Goats You Should Know

    Dairy goats are the breeds of goats that produce a good amount of milk during their lactating season. There are numerous milk-producing goats available around the world. Goat milk is very healthy and nutritious. In fact, most people nowadays prefer to have one or a few milker goats for their dail...
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  • Unravelling how animal diseases impact human health, wellbeing

    Unravelling how animal diseases impact human health, wellbeing

    A new research program has been launched to identify the individuals and communities most impacted by endemic and emerging diseases. Animal health leaders and researchers from the Global Burden of Animal Diseases (GBADs) programme have secured US$7 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Founda...
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