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  • 33,000 Cartons of BARCLEAN in Busy Production

    33,000 Cartons of BARCLEAN in Busy Production

    Lydia|05 January 2021   Since middle December, Fangtong staffs have been undergoing intensive production for BARCLEAN-Compound Sulfamonomethoxine Sodium Injection. One of the biggest farming corporation ordered 33,000 cartons of BARCLEAN in middle December, and all these are estimated to be ...
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  • Genomic analysis reveals many animal species may be vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Genomic analysis reveals many animal species may be vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Humans are not the only species facing a potential threat from SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19, according to a new study from the University of California, Davis. An international team of scientists used genomic analysis to compare the main cellular receptor for the virus i...
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  • The effect and dosage & administration of oxytetracycline injection (OXYTONG)

    Oxytetracycline injection (OXYTONG) is mainly used for the treatment of beef cattle and pigs infected by gram-positive and negative bacteria, mycoplasma, Leptospira, Rickettsia and chlamydia. This article will introduce the function, usage and dosage of oxytetracycline injection (OXYTONG).     E...
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  • For plant and animal immune systems the similarities go beyond sensing

    For plant and animal immune systems the similarities go beyond sensing

    Although profoundly different in terms of physiology, habitat and nutritional needs, plants and animals are confronted with one shared existential problem: how to keep themselves safe in the face of constant exposure to harmful microorganisms. Mounting evidence suggests that plants and animals ha...
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  • Designing animal studies to improve research reproducibility and reduce animal use

    Designing animal studies to improve research reproducibility and reduce animal use

    Animal experiments are typically conducted under highly standardized laboratory conditions. While standardization is meant to improve reproducibility of scientific results, in reality reproducibility is surprisingly low. To produce more robust results, experts from different fields of research no...
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  • Deforestation is changing animal communication

    Deforestation is changing animal communication

    Deforestation is changing the way monkeys communicate in their natural habitat, according to a new study. This study, led by an anthropologist at the University of Waterloo, offers the first evidence in animal communication scholarship of differences in vocal behaviours in response to different t...
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  • Benefits and risks of antimicrobial use in food-producing animals

    Benefits and risks of antimicrobial drugs, used in food-producing animals, continue to be complex and controversial issues. This review comprehensively presents the benefits of antimicrobials drugs regarding control of animal diseases, protection of public health, enhancement of animal production...
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  • Animal groups consider multiple factors before fighting

    Animal groups consider multiple factors before fighting

    Groups of animals consider multiple factors before deciding whether to fight rivals, researchers say. Before one-on-one fights, animals are known to make decisions based on factors including the size and strength of the opponent, the outcome of recent fights and the importance of the prize. But s...
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  • Age-related impairments reversed in animal model

    Age-related impairments reversed in animal model

    Frailty and immune decline are two main features of old age. Researchers from the University of Bern and the University Hospital Bern now demonstrate in an animal model that these two age-related impairments can be halted and even partially reversed using a novel cell-based therapeutic approach. ...
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  • Study reveals valuable disease-fighting qualities in African indigenous cattle

    Study reveals valuable disease-fighting qualities in African indigenous cattle

    Scientists have revealed a new set of detailed genetic markers and information for African cattle that provide heat and drought tolerance, control of inflammation and tick infestation, and resistance to devastating livestock diseases such as trypanosomiasis   The findings, published in Nature Gen...
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  • New milk plant to benefit Rwandan dairy farmers

    New milk plant to benefit Rwandan dairy farmers

    Part of a World Vision project, work will begin this week on the US$45,000 facility. When completed, the plant will purchase surplus milk from the farmers. To be run by local cooperative Zirakamwa, the facility will be equipped with modern apparatus to test quality and prevent produce from going ...
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  • Kenya to use GPS to combat cattle theft

    Kenya to use GPS to combat cattle theft

    The Kenyan Administration Police plan to use a global positioning system (GPS) to fight cattle theft and recover stolen animals “A GPS chip will be inserted under the skin in one animal of the herd. With it we will be able to monitor the movements of the whole flock,” said Administrat...
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  • Antiviral Drugs Against Severe Fever With Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus Infection

    Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome (SFTS) isan emerging tick-borne infectious disease caused by SFTS virus (SFTSV), which is a novel bunyavirus. SFTSVwas first isolated from patients who presented with fever, thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia, and multiorgan dysfunction in China. Subseque...
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  • FAO, OIE kickstart global initiative to stop the spread of African Swine Fever

    FAO, OIE kickstart global initiative to stop the spread of African Swine Fever

    The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) are call on all nations and partners to join forces to keep this deadly pig disease at bay under a new initiative The Global Control of ASF Initiative, launched under the GF-TADs u...
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  • Drought fears prompt drop in Tanzania beef price

    Drought fears prompt drop in Tanzania beef price

    Wholesale beef prices have dropped by around 20 per cent in Tanzania, following poor rainfall in 2015 The price per kilo dropped to less than US$2.40 this week from highs of almost US$3 recorded in January, before fears of a potential drought prompted farmers to rush to sell their cattle. Wholesa...
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  • Cattle keepers and farmers in Bahr El Ghazal agree on peaceful coexistence

    Cattle keepers and farmers in Bahr El Ghazal agree on peaceful coexistence

    Cattle keepers and farmers in Bahr El Ghazal agree on peaceful coexistence during the tense dry season to minimise the annual conflicts that cattle movements during the dry season tend to generate. With South Sudan’s rainy season coming to an end, the challenges of finding water points and grazin...
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  • Animal AgTech Innovation Summit Preview What’s Next for Protein Markets with Nutreco Executive

    Animal AgTech Innovation Summit Preview What’s Next for Protein Markets with Nutreco Executive

    As a sneak-peek to the upcoming Animal AgTech Innovation Summit, I spoke to Dr. Genet about the need for innovation in the protein market, industry bottlenecks and why it’s important for Nutreco and others to participate in programs like this one. Why is innovation needed in the protein market? O...
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  • Feeding the Future with Beef Cattle – a Sustainable Approach to Responsible Food Production

    Feeding the Future with Beef Cattle – a Sustainable Approach to Responsible Food Production

    What does the science say? What is the data telling us? These questions driving conversations around human health and the novel coronavirus are also informing how stakeholders in the feed-to-food chain think about livestock production and sustainability, writes Javier Martín-Tereso, Manager Rumin...
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  • Type of sugar used to sweeten sheep milk kefir may improve consumer acceptance

    Type of sugar used to sweeten sheep milk kefir may improve consumer acceptance

    The study of human emotions can be used to gauge the sensory acceptance of dairy products. A possible route to increase worldwide consumption of sheep milk kefir may be to improve its sensory acceptance, which can be a determining factor for its inclusion in daily diets. In an article appearing i...
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  • High Forage Diets 3 Things to Consider

    High Forage Diets 3 Things to Consider

    The ambiguous title for this article is because the definition of high forage diets is vague and unique to different people. Technically speaking, a diet that is 50% forage or greater is a high forage diet – which could be considered low to normal for the Northeast part of the US, whereas t...
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  • Zoonosis Threat Urgent Call for More Effective Wildlife Trade Legislation in Wake of COVID-19

    Zoonosis Threat Urgent Call for More Effective Wildlife Trade Legislation in Wake of COVID-19

    International research team including Göttingen University makes urgent call for more effective wildlife trade legislation. Many diseases, such as COVID-19, have made the jump from animals to people with serious consequences for the human host. An international research team, including researcher...
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  • Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: Should We Rethink the Animal–Human Interface?

    Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: Should We Rethink the Animal–Human Interface?

    INTRODUCTION Humans have always been plagued by epidemics caused primarily by infectious diseases that originated from animals, especially wildlife (1). The establishment of sustained transmission from initial spillover events involves the interplay of complex mechanisms that are difficult to und...
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  • Vicious Cycle Climate Change Spreading Infectious Diseases, Which Contribute to Climate Change

    Vicious Cycle Climate Change Spreading Infectious Diseases, Which Contribute to Climate Change

    Sicker livestock may increase climate woes: More parasites means higher emissions of potent greenhouse gas. Climate change is affecting the spread and severity of infectious diseases around the world — and infectious diseases may in turn be contributing to climate change, according to a new paper...
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  • Scientists Warn About COVID-19 Transmission to Animals – Including Pets and Livestock

    Scientists Warn About COVID-19 Transmission to Animals – Including Pets and Livestock

    As evidence mounts for the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 infecting various animals, scientists at UCL say a global effort is needed to reduce the risk of the virus later returning to people. In a comment piece for The Lancet Microbe, researchers write that if the virus becomes common in an animal pop...
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