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    Hog farmers struggled with a coronavirus-caused backlog of market-ready hogs that peaked at 3.5 million head at the end of May, forcing them to cull some and slow weight gain on others. The backlog remains large, but Purdue economist Jayson Lusk says farmers may see “possibly elevated hog prices”...
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    KALAGALA, Uganda, Sept 17 (Reuters) – For decades, farmers hungry for land and families needing firewood whittled away at Uganda’s forests, home to endangered gorillas, elephants and chimpanzees. Now the decline has reversed, thanks to a government policy that relies on loggers to hel...
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    KAMPALA, Feb 10 (Reuters) – Uganda has started to spray swarms of desert locusts that invaded over the weekend, posing a major threat to livestock and key crops such as coffee, a government official said on Monday. The plague of locusts has already caused extensive damage to pastures and cr...
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  • Fantong Attended The 11th Dairy Conference of China & 2020 China Diary Exhibition.

    Started from Oct 11th to 13th , Fangtong attended the “The 11th Dairy Conference of China & 2020 China Diary Exhibition” in Sijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China. This exhibition received more than 100,000 visitors and 600 exhibitors. Including some foreign enterprises and visitors form USA...
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  • 7 Research Takeaways: Rethinking sulfate sources of trace minerals in animal feed

    7 Research Takeaways: Rethinking sulfate sources of trace minerals in animal feed

    Trouw Nutrition is sharing global research findings that show the source of trace mineral affects dairy cow performance. The “Time to Rethink the Use of Sulfates in Dairy Rations” presentation draws on research conducted internally and with multiple universities, writes Davi Brito de Araujo, mana...
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  • Albendazole induces oxidative stress and DNA damage in the parasitic protozoan Giardia duodenalis

    The control of Giardia duodenalisinfections is carried out mainly by drugs, among these albendazole (ABZ) is commonly used. Although the cytotoxic effect of ABZ usually involves binding to β-tubulin, it has been suggested that oxidative stress may also play a role in its parasiticidal mechanism. ...
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  • Proper hoof care can prevent foot rot in cattle

    Proper hoof care can prevent foot rot in cattle

    Sores on the feet can sure make a person feel miserable not to mention making it hard to walk. The same can be true of cattle when they develop foot rot in the crevasse between their toes, causing some of them to become lame according to the veterinarians at the Beef Cattle Institute, writes Kans...
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  • Pirbright develops universal foot-and-mouth disease virus test

    Pirbright develops universal foot-and-mouth disease virus test

    A diagnostic test that can detect whether an animal has been infected by or vaccinated against any type of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) has been developed by scientists at The Pirbright Institute and Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna (IZSLER)...
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  • Persistently infected African buffalo not a likely cause of new FMD outbreaks say Pirbright scientists

    Persistently infected African buffalo not a likely cause of new FMD outbreaks say Pirbright scientists

    Scientists at The Pirbright Institute have shown that African buffalo persistently infected with foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) are unlikely to be the source of new outbreaks in other buffalo and cattle. African buffalo do not usually present any clinical signs of infection and can carry FMD for ye...
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  • New research into £250 million problem of lameness in dairy cows launched

    New research into £250 million problem of lameness in dairy cows launched

    A new study plans to shed light on the causes of lameness and reduced mobility in dairy cows. This issue currently costs the UK dairy industry £250 million a year as over half of UK cattle are affected.The ground-breaking project will be a collaborative effort between the Royal Veterinary College...
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  • Namibia restricts cattle grazing in Angola due to FMD outbreak

    Namibia restricts cattle grazing in Angola due to FMD outbreak

    Namibia said that it had temporarily banned the cross-border movement of cattle into and out of northern neighbour Angola due to an outbreak of highly contagious foot and mouth disease. The disease, which causes lesions and lameness in cattle and sheep, was detected in the Ndiyona Constituency in...
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  • Keeping animals out of home key to improved nutrition

    Keeping animals out of home key to improved nutrition

    Improved housing with piped water and keeping animals out of the home may be the key to improving childhood nutrition, a study suggests. According to the 2017 WHO Africa Nutrition Report, 58.5 million children suffered stunting— being too short for one’s age — in 2016. The WHO global targets incl...
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  • Herders avoid violence and drought with satellites

    Herders avoid violence and drought with satellites

    Before climate change and conflict took hold, nomadic farmers in Burkina Faso would study natural phenomena to predict rainfall. They would send out spotters to travel ahead of the group, looking for water and pastures. But their way of life has come under threat in recent years. Pastoralist advi...
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  • Enhance FMD surveillance by testing milk samples in the field

    Enhance FMD surveillance by testing milk samples in the field

    A follow-on study by scientists at The Pirbright Institute and the University of Glasgow has demonstrated that milk samples collected in the field can be used successfully to recognise cattle infected with foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). This method was used in Tanzania, where the disease is...
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  • Dairy farmers laud President on VAT exemption for animal feed

    Dairy farmers laud President on VAT exemption for animal feed

    Farmers in dairy sector, under the auspices of Commercial Dairy Ranches Association of Nigeria (CODARAN) has backed President Muhammadu Buhari on his request to the National Assembly to exempt animal feeds from the list of items that would attract payment of the Value Added Tax (VAT). President B...
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  • Cold chains help mitigate the COVID-19 food crisis lessons from Uganda

    Cold chains help mitigate the COVID-19 food crisis lessons from Uganda

    COVID-19 has disrupted food supply chains around the world, doubling the number of people at risk of acute food shortages and insecurity. However, certain supply chain characteristics – including the use of cold storage – can help mitigate this and future crises. Preliminary research ...
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  • Caring for bulls during the breeding season

    Caring for bulls during the breeding season

    Just as an athlete can experience an injury in competition, so too can a bull when he is turned out in a breeding pasture where his athleticism is going to be tested. “Bulls will be the busiest in the first month of the breeding season when there are a lot of females coming into heat (estrus),” s...
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  • Animal health needs partnerships for vaccine delivery

    Animal health needs partnerships for vaccine delivery

    Lessons from rinderpest eradication could help fight a similar, contagious livestock disease, writes Delia Grace. As they sang and told stories around the fire, pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda, spoke of herders before them who had lost hundreds of cattle to rinderpest, a deadly viral disease. Or...
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  • Aberystwyth University scientists working on bovine TB breakthrough

    As published in the July 17 issue of Science Advances, two skin tests for cattle have been developed that can distinguish between animals that are infected with bovine TB and those that have been vaccinated against the disease. The combination of the essential proteins which enable the differenti...
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  • Stand out from the herd how cows commooonicate through their lives

    Farmers might finally be able to answer the question: How now brown cow? Research at the University of Sydney has shown that cows maintain individual voices in a variety of emotional situations. Cows ‘talk’ to one another and retain individual identity through their lowing. Studying a herd of 18 ...
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  • ‘New’ lactic acid bacteria can make African camel milk safe

    A research project headed by the Technical University of Denmark, DTU, has come up with the formula for a freeze-dried starter culture that African camel milk farmers can use to make safe, fermented milk products. The majority of the world’s camels are located in East Africa, where they are...
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  • Hemp in Veterinary Medicine: From Feed to Drug

    Hemp (Cannabis sativa) is an angiosperm plant belonging to the Cannabaceaefamily. Its cultivation dates back to centuries. It has always been cultivated due to the possibility of exploiting almost all the parts of the plant: paper, fabrics, ropes, bio-compounds with excellent insulating capacity,...
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  • Feeding the Future with Beef Cattle – a Sustainable Approach to Responsible Food Production

    Feeding the Future with Beef Cattle – a Sustainable Approach to Responsible Food Production

    Analysis of ruminant animals’ biological processes, production practices in various regions of the globe and environmental issues such as greenhouse gas emissions all suggest opportunities to mitigate livestock production’s impact on the environment. Concerns about climate change have given rise ...
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  • Economist reviews shocks to beef industry with implications for prices ahead

    Economist reviews shocks to beef industry with implications for prices ahead

    The beef cattle industry has already experienced three big “shocks” this year and the effects are ongoing, but have been blunted to some extent, according to a Kansas State University agricultural economist. The first jolt came in mid-March when the COVID-19 pandemic sparked stay-at-home orders i...
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