Stability studies of oxytetracycline in methanol solution
Abstract. As one kind of typical tetracycline antibiotics, antibiotic residues of oxytetracycline have been frequently detected in many environmental media. In this study, the stability of oxytetracycline in methanol solution was investigated by high-performance liquid chromatography combined wit...Read more -
Albendazole induces oxidative stress and DNA damage in the parasitic protozoan Giardia duodenalis
The control of Giardia duodenalisinfections is carried out mainly by drugs, among these albendazole (ABZ) is commonly used. Although the cytotoxic effect of ABZ usually involves binding to β-tubulin, it has been suggested that oxidative stress may also play a role in its parasiticidal mechanism. ...Read more -
Hemp in Veterinary Medicine: From Feed to Drug
Hemp (Cannabis sativa) is an angiosperm plant belonging to the Cannabaceaefamily. Its cultivation dates back to centuries. It has always been cultivated due to the possibility of exploiting almost all the parts of the plant: paper, fabrics, ropes, bio-compounds with excellent insulating capacity,...Read more -
Ready to Deworm in Autumn for Your Animal?
It is a worldwide problem to deworm the internal and external parasites for cattle and goats. Parasite is a very serious disease not only on small and medium farms, but also on large-scale farms even with well-management and advanced equipment. So, it is a must to deworm for your animals. As we k...Read more -
Pharmacokinetics of Conventional and Long-Acting Oxytetracycline Preparations in Kilis Goat.
The pharmacokinetics of conventional and long-acting (LA) oxytetracycline (OTC), widely used broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs in veterinary medicine, were evaluated in Kilis goats at single dosage of 20 mg/kg body weight (bw). A total of 21 goats were divided into three groups: intravenous (Gro...Read more -
Antimicrobial usage in pig production: Effects on Escherichia colivirulence profiles and antimicrobial resistance
Abstract Antimicrobials (AM) are used for growth promotion and therapy in pig production. Its misuse has led to the development of resistant organisms. We evaluated Escherichia colivirulence genes, and compared phenotypic–genotypic antimicrobial resistance (AMR) patterns of faecal E. colifrom pig...Read more -
Challenges for controlling bovine tuberculosis in South Africa
Abstract All effects taken together, bovine tuberculosis (bTB) has a long-term detrimental effect on bovine herds and many wildlife species in South Africa. The disease is not only found in domestic cattle but also in African buffaloes and has to date been diagnosed in 21 wildlife species, includ...Read more -
A field study on the efficacy of ivermectin via subcutaneous route against chewing lice (Bovicola caprae) infestation in naturally infested goats
Abstract Caprine pediculosis is an ectoparasitic disease of great concern among goat farmers in India. It may be caused by either sucking lice or chewing lice; the latter one results in severe skin lesions, leading to production loss. This study evaluated the effectiveness of the macrocytic lacto...Read more -
A study to evaluate the field efficacy of ivermectin, fenbendazole andpyrantel pamoate, with preliminary observations on the efficacy ofdoramectin, as anthelmintics in horses
ABSTRACT The efficacy of ivermectin, fenbendazole, pyrantel pamoate and doramectin was evaluated under field conditions at 2 sites in the Free State Province of South Africa. The study involved 25 horses at each site, divided into 5 groups of equal size. Ivermectin, fenbendazole and pyrantel pam...Read more -
Evaluation of Bioequivalence of Two Long-Acting 20% Oxytetracycline Formulations in Pigs.
The aim of this study was to explore the bioequivalence of long-acting oxytetracycline in two formulations, a reference formulation (Terramycin 20% LA, Pfizer) and a test one (Kangtekang 20% LA, Huishen). Both formulations were administered intramuscularly at 20 mg/kg body weight at each of 24 he...Read more -
Probing the In Vitro Cytotoxicity of the Veterinary Drug Oxytetracycline
Abstract The study investigated the effect of oxytetracycline (OTC) on the anti-oxidative defense system, the structure (hemolysis rate and morphology) and function (ATP enzyme activity) of human red blood cells (hRBCs) to investigate the possible toxic mechanism of OTC to hRBCs. The experimenta...Read more -
Sero-prevalence and community awareness on the risks associated with Livestock and Human brucellosis in selected districts of Fafan Zone of Ethiopian-Somali National Regional State
Abstract A cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the sero-prevalence, potential risk factors for transmission and spread of brucellosis in livestock and human in Jigjiga and Gursum Woredas of Fafan Zone in Ethiopian-Somali. Two Kebeles were purposively selected from each Worada based o...Read more -
Tetracycline residue levels in cattle meat from Nairobi salughter house in Kenya
Two hundred and fifty beef samples were collected from five slaughterhouses in and around the city of Nairobi. The beef animals were sourced from various parts of the country. Samples of 50-100 grams were collected randomly from the liver, kidney and muscle of different beef carcasses. The sample...Read more -
Lack of bioequivalence of two oxytetracycline formulations in the rabbit
ABSTRACT Oxytetracycline (OTC) has been used for over 40 years in veterinary medical field. Various forms of oxytetracycline preparations have been marketed, but little information is available on the bioequivalence of OTC preparations. This study was conducted to evaluate the bioequivalence of t...Read more -
Efficacy of 3 anthelmintics in communally grazed sheep as reflected by faecal egg count reduction tests in a semi-arid area of South Africa
ABSTRACT A survey was conducted on the occurrence of anthelmintic resistance of nematodes in communally grazed sheep in a semi-arid area near Mafikeng, South Africa, from January to March 2006. In the herds belonging to twelve smallholder sheep farmers, the efficacies of albendazole, levamisole ...Read more -
Implication of the knowledge and perceptions of veterinary students of antimicrobial resistance for future prescription of antimicrobials in animal health, South Africa
Understanding the knowledge and perceptions of veterinary students of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as potential future prescribers of antimicrobials may serve as an opportunity to improve stewardship of AMR. Pre-final (n = 42) and final (n = 29) year veterinary students of the University of Pre...Read more -
Prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among large commercial pig herds in South Africa
The prevalence of nasal carrier status of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in pigs has been described elsewhere, but is unknown in South Africa. To address concerns that exist regarding the zoonotic risk that carriers pose to workers, the herd-level prevalence of MRSA was deter...Read more -
A study to evaluate the field efficacy of ivermectin, fenbendazole andpyrantel pamoate, with preliminary observations on the efficacy ofdoramectin, as anthelmintics in horses
ABSTRACT The efficacy of ivermectin, fenbendazole, pyrantel pamoate and doramectin was evaluated under field conditions at 2 sites in the Free State Province of South Africa. The study involved 25 horses at each site, divided into 5 groups of equal size. Ivermectin, fenbendazole and pyrantel pa...Read more -
Studies on Effect of Sodium Hypochlorite on Microbial, Sensory and Physiochemical Characteristics of Buffalo Offal
ABSTRACT A study was carried out to determine the influence of different concentration and contact time combinations of sodium hypochlorite (SHC) solutions on microbial, sensory and physico-chemical characteristics of buffalo offals viz., head meat, heart, liver and rumen. The following concentra...Read more -
Detection of Long-Acting Oxytetracycline Residue Levels in Tissue of Desert Sheep Following Intramuscular Injection
ABSTRACT Twelve healthy desert sheep were injected intramuscularly (IM) with multiple doses of 5 g kg-1 oxytetracycline (OTC) for detection of OTC residues in different tissues (Liver, kidney, muscle and site of injection). The animals were slaughtered and the tissue samples were collected from e...Read more -
Early separation of cow and calf has long-term effects on social behavior
Calves of dairy cows are generally separated from their mothers within the first 24 hours after birth. The majority of the milk thus enters the food market and not the stomachs of the calves. However, growing up without a mother has consequences. Scientists at the Vetmeduni Vienna studied the lon...Read more -
Weak link between badgers and cattle for TB transmission
he largest simulation to date of the numbers of cattle and badgers infected with tuberculosis (TB) casts serious doubts about the extent to which badgers cause TB in cattle, according to research from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). Using a mathematical model that combines a huge number o...Read more -
Antibiotics could be cut by up to one-third
Nine in 10 dairy farmers participating in a new survey from the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RADBF) say that the farming industry must take a proactive lead in the battle against antibiotic resistance. Those questioned also think that over the next five years they could cut their o...Read more -
Turn up parasite control before spring turn out
Spring turn out time is right around the corner for beef cattle producers. But, before you open the gate be sure parasite control is on your to-do list. “Don’t just talk about parasite control, do it,” advises Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist. Cole says monitorin...Read more